Editing Services

  • A developmental/line edit will provide overall feedback of your manuscript with a focus on craft topics like plot, characterization, dialogue, pacing, and setting. Recommendations may include content or structural changes.

    In-line comments will be made directly in your manuscript, highlighting specific words, sentences, or paragraphs and addressing inconsistencies in areas including style and tone, POV, characters, prose, and grammar. I’ll make recommendations for improvement on word choice, sentence and paragraph structure, pacing, and overall story effectiveness.

    This type of edit is not a rewrite of any portion of your manuscript. It does not seek to correct grammar, syntax, or typos, nor does it provide fact-checking or style guide application.

  • Proofreading, or copy editing, includes tracking changes on your manuscript to correct mechanics such as formatting, grammar, syntax, and typos. It’s a final polishing to catch errors not identified in other editing services.

    This type of editing does not include a focus on plot, characterization, pacing, or other craft areas.

  • This type of read includes feedback from a reader’s perspective rather than a writer’s. It’s high-level, where I discuss what I like about your manuscript and what I think needs work. It shows my understanding of the story so you can decide if you need to make changes to guide reader understanding.

    This type of service doesn’t seek to correct, but rather to give you an idea of what a reader thinks of your tale.

  • Quotes are available for these services.

For more information, click the button to send me an email, or contact me at lisamdavisbooks@gmail.com with the subject “Service information request”